Historical Dogs
Artifacts Yster

Artifacts Yster
Father: KS Bullet
Mother: Takara Helga
Artifacts Yster was an exciting addition to the Aisha Boerboel’s stud team and caught attention all over. At the time of securing ownership, Yster ranked amongst the top 5 studmales in a poll in Boerboel studmales group which is the largest worldwide breed specific group. Yster was moving up the ranks on the South African show circuit and we are sure he would have added many more accreditations to his existing trophy cabinet. Aisha Boerboels was contacted by one of the founders of the Boerboel breed Standard, Mr Kubous Rust,s to use Yster as a reference in his teachings on the breed standard. we will include his feedback in this article,
Sadly after a huge battle with cellulitis on arrival to the UK and being on and off very strong antibiotics, Ysters semen never recovered to it’s required levels to stand as a Studmale. He did bless us with two small litters before we let him go to a small Hobby breeder who can hopefully secure some offspring from Yster. We wish Caractus Boerboel’s every success with Yster.
Kubous Rusts evaluation on Yster:
“Yster is one of the best Boerboels that I have seen in years based on the pics and clips placed here.
What I like most about him is his Temperament. He is self assured and controllable. In the one clip, he accepts that he is handed to a stranger but shows very clearly that he behaves only because he respects the lady speaking to him. Watch the clip with keen eyes and you will notice what I am talking about. His owner must build a good relation with him and make sure to stay his superior.
His head is nice and big with good width and depth, but a little too wet. The muzzle needs a little more width at the front to be perfect.
He has a magnificent arched neck and showing the correct fusion, both at the head and shoulders, forming a correct trapezium.
He has a good, strong overall construction with a little too much angulation in front which causes the dip behind the shoulder blades. With less angulation in front his topline would have been perfect and his front would have shown more correct male type masculinity.
The thickness, comparisons, position and musculature of all his legs are perfect.
His hind quarters are very strong causing a slight femanine type which is clearly visible in the clip from above where it shows that his croup is as wide as his shoulders. He will be an excellent sire to breed magnificent bitches if femanine type bitches are used.
Congratulations to the breeder. If all Boerboels in the world could look like him, it will be good. The owner should get him on ice for future use in a well planned Breeding Program. Keep Gender Authenticity in mind when using him”
Kubos Rusts
When Aisha Boerboel’s took ownership of Yster from his breeders and owner Artifacts Boerboel’s in South Africa, he was already a very active and well known Show/Studmale in and outside of South Africa, even Siring a litter in the UK to a well known Kennel before our ownership, When we took ownership of Yster, he was immediately health tested to align with our strict breeding ethics and policy’s so when evaluating Ysters health scores please take into consideration that his hip and elbow testing was done on a dog that was 4+ years old not a 12 month old pup. Wear and tear needs to be factored into the results.
Height : 66cm
Weight : 70 kilos
Hip : B – C tested at 4 years old
Elbows : 0-3 tested at 4 years old
Free from eye Disease : Yes
VH Clear : N/A
Echo : TBC
DNA Profiled: Yes
DNA screened: TBC
SABBS registration : yes
BI registration : no
Appraisal score : 87.3%
K pedigree: yes (SP) registration
D.O.B : 06/03/2017
Semen Available internationally : N/A
Fresh / chilled 24/48 hrs : N/A
Frozen available on request via contact page
Please see our For Sale section to find out what boerboel pup or adult boerboel dogs we currently have for sale. See our How to Buy section to find out how you can buy an Aisha boerboel pup or adult dog that we have for sale.
Aisha Boerboels Quality without compromise!
Please view our current list of available boerboel puppies for sale, available boerboel adults for sale, available boerboel juveniles for sale and boerboels looking for retirement homes. Available to vetted homes only.
For anyone interested in a Boerboel pup or wishing to be considered for future litters, please complete our online registration form.
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Historical Dogs
Artifacts Yster
Aisha Boerboels are a registered Boerboel Breeder with Boerboel GB