How to buy an Aisha Boerboel
There are a number of ways to buy or own an Aisha Boerboel.
Aisha Boerboels are a South African Boerboel or Mastiff breeder, located in Stoke on Trent, UK.

We breed South African Boerboels and are proud to be registered breeders with SABBS (South African Boerboel Breeders Society), The South African Studbook and BBGB (Boerboel GB).

We are contracted to strict breeding ethic’s and we routinely health test our breeding dogs. We breed to produce the best Boerboel possible.
Aisha Boerboels are an ethical breeder and we put a lot of time and effort into our kennel, the dogs we breed and each pup or litter of puppies. We care deeply for all of our dogs and any puppies that we produce.
Therefore we have a careful selection process to ensure that an Aisha Boerboel pup goes the best homes possible. We always try to ensure that not only is an Aisha Boerboels puppy the right dog for you but also that you are the right match for an Aisha Boerboel pup.

Aisha BoerBoel’s does not dictate which pup our client’s purchase. We try and match each pup from our litters to the best and most suitable home. We are here to offer support and advice from the start, helping guide our client’s to make the best possible decisions from selecting your pup, through to ownership of an Aisha Boerboel. Our experienced support continues throughout all key development stages and throughout the lifespan of your Aisha Boerboel.
Most of our puppies are allocated before the litter is actually born to clients from our waiting list. We do occasionally have puppies that we have held back for own selection that may become available and these will be advertised for sale if this situation occurs.

We also occasionally consider co-own opportunities on a case by case basis. A co-own may be a pup that is for sale, young adult, adult or retirement dog.
From time to time we will also have young juveniles, adults and retirement dogs available, which again will first be offered to our waiting list or existing clients. If these dogs aren’t placed to our waiting list or existing clients, they will be advertised for sale.
In all cases, any prospective owner of an Aisha Boerboels puppy, juvenile, adult, retirement dog, co-own or any dog supplied by us dog must complete our waiting list application.
By completing the waiting list, this does not commit a prospective owner to a purchase. The waiting list simply provides us with the information and details that we need to ensure that we match the right owner to the right pup or dog that is for sale.

Whilst Aisha Boerboels do sell pups and adults and do advertise boerboel pups and adults for sale, we will not sell any animal without a completed waiting list. Not only are we morally bound to vet all prospective owners, we are ethically bound to do so by our breeding society and by our council licensing.
How to buy an Aisha Boerboel
Please see our For Sale page to find out what boerboel pup or adult boerboel dogs we currently have for sale. See our How to Buy section to find out how you can buy an Aisha boerboel pup or adult dog that we have for sale.
Aisha Boerboels Quality without compromise!
Please view our current list of available boerboel puppies for sale, available boerboel adults for sale, available boerboel juveniles for sale and boerboels looking for retirement homes. Our dogs are available to vetted homes only.
For anyone interested in a Boerboel pup or wishing to be considered for future litters, please complete our online registration form.
Please contact us for further information
Aisha Boerboels are a registered Boerboel Breeder with Boerboel GB (BBGB)