SABBS Board Member Nomination 2024
SABBS Board Member Nomination 2024 About Pete My name is Peter Dixon and from an early age I have always been around and owned numerous dogs. My first passion and employment was as a mechanic. I worked in garages for 26 years. starting as a weekend apprentice and progressing to become an MOT Tester. In…
Aisha Clay
Aisha Clay Aisha Clay 84.2%L BVA 0 Hips 0 Elbows Father: Mighty CassiusMother: Mighty Kima Aisha Clay
Myrtle Jovi
Myrtle Jovi Siboveld Sansa x Kilian Dozer Myrtle Jovi
Aisha El’Capitan (Rico) x KS Nevaeh Pregnancy Confirmed
Aisha El’Capitan (Rico) x KS Nevaeh Pregnancy Confirmed Aisha El’Capitan (Rico) x KS Nevaeh Pregnancy Confirmed Pups due in 4 weeks time Aisha El’Capitan (Rico) x KS Nevaeh Due to the excitement the wait for this one is going to be long one. We are now 3 weeks away from confirming pregnancy. For some basic…
Update on Aisha Chloe
Update on Aisha Chloe We are pleased to provide an update on Aisha Chloe. She is now with her owners Krisztián Szebek & Katalin Szebek at Szebek Boerboel’s in Hungary It is always nice to see how our puppies develop with their owners an we are please to see how Chloe is developing. Aisha Boerboels…
The Importance of growing a Boerboel slowly
The Importance of growing a Boerboel slowly The Importance of growing a Boerboel slowly is often overlooked. When a Boerboel grows too quickly, this can lead to health issues later in its life. Sometimes even us breeders need to remember the importance of growing dogs slowly. Here we see the Day Mighty Cassius arrived in…
The Black Boerboel
The Black Boerboel The Black Boerboel can be a very controversial dog depending on whom you ask. Aisha Boerboels produce a number of black boerboel litters, we thought it a good idea to briefly explain the history a little. This is only a basic explanation and not a genetic or historical breakdown. Some believe that…
A Strong start to 2024 for Aisha Boerboels
A Strong start to 2024 for Aisha Boerboels A Strong start to 2024 for Aisha Boerboels as we plan to mate Aisha El’Capitan (Rico) to KS Nevaeh in the next 10 days. Nevaeh’s previous litter with Aisha El’Chapo produced some stunning black boerboel puppies. We are very excited to see what Rico can produce and…
Aisha Black Mamba (Monty)
Aisha Black Mamba (Monty) Aisha Black Mamba (Monty) at 6 months old in his forever home. Aisha Black Mamba is one of the many black Boerboels that Aisha Boerboels have produced. The black boerboel isn’t without controversy. A good black boerboel, like Aisha Black Mamba is a magnificent dog. The black boerboel often has a…
Aisha Ronnie 2
Aisha Ronnie 2 Aisha Ronnie 2 is a very confident boy, just as a Boerboel should be. Loading up the bin bags for the tip run and found little Ronnie making sure no harm came to the bags. At Aisha Boerboels, we always socialise our puppies before they leave for their forever homes. Early socialising…